Ready, Set, Give: 5 Things You Can Do to Prepare for Year-End Giving

1. Conduct a year-end campaign review:

Start by reviewing the successes and challenges of your previous year-end giving campaigns. Analyze the data to identify what worked well, which strategies resonated with donors, and where there is room for improvement. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of past campaigns will guide your planning for the current year.

Example: Survey donors

Send out surveys to your donors to gather feedback on their experiences with previous year-end campaigns. Ask about their preferences, what motivated them to give, and any suggestions they might have. Use this valuable information to tailor your approach and enhance donor satisfaction.

2. Update your online presence:

In today’s digital age, an organization’s online presence is paramount. Ensure that your website is up-to-date with compelling content, clear calls-to-action, and easy navigation. Leverage social media platforms to create awareness about your year-end campaign and engage with your audience.

Example: Create a dedicated landing page

Design a dedicated landing page on your website specifically for the year-end campaign. This page should provide information about your organization’s mission, the impact of donations, and easy-to-follow steps for contributing. Use visually appealing graphics and compelling storytelling to capture visitors’ attention.

3. Develop a multi-channel communication plan:

Effective communication is key to a successful year-end giving campaign. Develop a multi-channel communication plan that includes email campaigns, social media posts, and direct outreach. Consistent and strategic communication helps keep your audience informed and engaged throughout the campaign period.

Example: Countdown email series

Create a series of countdown emails leading up to the year-end deadline. These emails can include updates on campaign progress, success stories, and reminders about the impact of donations. A well-timed series builds anticipation and encourages supporters to contribute before the year concludes.

4. Set clear and achievable goals:

Define clear, measurable goals for your year-end giving campaign. Whether it’s a fundraising target, a specific number of new donors, or reaching a certain engagement level on social media, having well-defined goals provides direction and helps measure the success of your campaign.

Example: “10 Days, 10% Growth”

Set a goal that is both specific and achievable. For instance, aim to achieve a 10% growth in the number of donors compared to the previous year and break this goal down into smaller milestones for each day of the campaign. Communicate these goals to your supporters, turning them into partners in achieving the shared objective.

5. Express gratitude in advance and follow up:

Show appreciation to your donors even before the year-end campaign begins. Express gratitude for their ongoing support and let them know how their contributions have made a difference. After the campaign concludes, follow up with personalized thank-you messages to express appreciation for their specific contributions.

Example: Gratitude video series

Create a series of short videos featuring members of your organization expressing gratitude to donors. Personalize these videos by mentioning specific achievements made possible by previous contributions. Share these videos through various channels to reinforce the impact donors have on your cause.

With careful planning and strategic execution, your organization can make the most of the year-end giving season. Ready, set, give!

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